
Sunday, January 9, 2011

Of Eagles, and Non-Eagles

After yesterday's snow-out, today has been much better for finding eagles along the Delaware Bay marshes. A glance at my data sheet reveals sightings of 14 individuals between Reed's Beach and Thompson's Beach as of 2pm Sunday, including a number of two- and three-year-old birds. The most interesting development in my survey territory is the apparent addition of a new pair of adult birds in the Goshen/Dias Creek area. I haven't located a nest along this stretch yet, but the headwaters of Bidwell Creek seem a mighty good bet, and I understand that eagles once nested in this area, pre-DDT.

There have also been a bunch of other cool birds around the Cape today. Sam Galick reports that a female Eurasian Wigeon was in Cape May Harbor this morning, viewable from the Lobster House parking lot. I came across a Virginia Rail along Thompson's Beach Road, as well as a female Common Merganser at nearby Glade Road. The trio of Vesper Sparrows along Paper Mill Road in Eldora returned today- not surprising after yesterday's snow.

[Female Eurasian Wigeon in Cape May Harbor this morning.
Photo by Karl Lukens; click to enlarge.]

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