
Sunday, March 13, 2011

A Little Further Afield

Just a quick note for duck seekers! I hear tell that Clay Sutton and Jimmy Dowdell had single drake Eurasian Teal (Common Teal if you prefer!) today at Heislerville, in the drawn-down impoundment, and at Bivalve - at Strawberry Avenue, east of the boardwalk. Both locations are on the Maurice River in Cumberland County. The same resourceful birding duo had the same species at Corbin City impoundments (just north of Tuckahoe in Atlantic County) a few days ago. Ducks are certainly on the move in good numbers now, so it's well worth checking any flocks you might find for that extra special bonus bird - happy ducking!

Short-eared Owls and Rough-legged Hawks are still reported periodically so an evening at Jake's Landing or Tuckahoe may pay dividends.

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