
Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Spring: Eager anticipation of bird migration and the new bug season!

Though there are, as yet, no reports of Pine Warbler around here, we expect the first any day. Though there have been a couple Laughing Gulls seen so far, they are not yet even every day occurrences. Though Josh Nemeth and I saw two Greater Yellowlegs at Ludlum's Pond (Dennisville) yesterday (these were almost certainly migrants), there has been little evidence of shorebird migration. Though ducks are certainly on the move, we've had only one report of migrant Blue-winged Teal. Though the spring tally of swallow species is four, only a couple of Cape May birders have seen any.

We are at the cusp. The above and more should be arriving in numbers in the area any day now. At least one of the wintering Black-headed Gulls has initiated its prealternate molt and is starting to get a well-defined dark head. The resident birds are singing up a storm. The Great Horned Owls and Bald Eagles are incubating. Fish Crows have become daily sights on Cape Island. The temperatures are staying above freezing for long stretches. Some moths are out and about.

Can singing Yellow-throated Warblers at Jakes Landing and Harlequin Darners at the Fulling Mill Road trails be far away? Come on, Spring!

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