
Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Sunny day brings swallows to the point

A day of sunny weather (though a pretty cool breeze) brought a few treats to Cape May Point today with Jim Dowdell hitting gold east of The meadows, near Cove Pool. Here he found a fine collection of one Tree Swallow, three Cliff Swallows and a Cave Swallow - a nice little collection! One thing I forgot to mention for yesterday is that Tony Leukering's Forster's Tern count at Miami Beach in Villas reached 14 birds today. Tony also found a female Eurasian Wigeon on Bunker Pond while out scanning for swallows - about time good old Bunker Pond got a mention here!

Will Kerling hit another spring milestone today with Wood Frogs calling along Beaver Dam Road today, where he also managed to get this quick shot.

Other signs of spring included a couple of Fish Crow reports from south of the canal today (they've all been wintering in a mob somewhere up-county until now) and a gradual, continued increase in the bird song volume. Woodcocks were making silly noises in our yard again this evening!

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