
Friday, April 15, 2011

Incoming From Points Various...

Just a quick round up of reports sent to me by others which are of interest:

Chris Hajduk saw a White-breasted Nuthatch at the coastguard base (though I don't know the date) but it follows a recent slight increase in sightings of this species elsewhere and suggests that birds are returning north after an impressive southward movement last fall. Chuck-will's-widows never make a major impact on arrival but slowly make their presence heard; Cynthia J Allen tells me that one calling in her yard this morning was her earliest date ever by five days. Beth Polvino had a nice fall of birds in the old heronry sanctuary at Stone Harbor, including more than one Summer Tanager - which ties in with Tony's in his latest post below.

Day-glow male Summer Tanager at Stone Harbor [photo by Beth Polvino].

Tree Swallows lead the vanguard of hirundines pouring back through Cape May Point; these two were arguing over perching rights at the Wetlands Institute [photo by Beth Polvino].

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