
Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Ruby Tuesday!

Higbee's Beach was hopping this morning with the first real push of birds. A good turn-out of birders ensured good coverage and also demonstrated how birds weere moving through quickly, as we all got different tallies. Dark-eyed Juncos and Chipping Sparrows dominated the floor space, while upper branches bounced up and down as Palm and Yellow-rumped Warblers moved through the canopy. Single male Black-and-white and Prairie Warblers were singing and looking glorious, despite overcast skies. A Whimbrel flew north noisily and two Willets passed by. Several Eastern Towhees and at least four White-eyed Vireos were in song and two Blue-headed Vireos and a House Wren were noted. The back end of winter was signalled by a couple of Pine Siskins passing over - though they were strangely heading south! For me, a nice finale as I was about to leave was a Ruby-crowned Kinglet, ruby crest raised to full extent, as it sang from an arching rose stem right beside the parking lot - marvelous!

Chipping Sparrows are passing through in good numbers right now and look glorious in dapper breeding plumage [photo by Mike Crewe].

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