
Saturday, April 9, 2011

Some Interesting Reports

A few bits and pieces drifted through to me today from other observers - all classic cases of being in the right place at the right time! Mike Newlon reported hearing a Black Rail at Thompson's Beach, Cumberland County on April 6th, while nearby Heislerville held a great range of wadingbirds and shorebirds, including 3000 Dunlin.

April 7th, Derk Visser reported his first Brown Thrasher on East Point Road and nine Whimbrel on the saltmarsh at Avalon. He also noted three Yellow-throated Warblers along Jakes Landing Road the same day. April 7th also saw a good run of birds at Higbee's Beach which most of us missed; Chris Vogel reported Eastern Kingbird, Blue-headed and White-eyed Vireos, Yellow-throated Warbler, 10 Palm Warblers, 30 Blue-gray Gnatcatchers, six Ruby-crowned Kinglets and three White-breasted Nuthatches.

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