
Monday, April 4, 2011

Warblers at last!

Janet Crawford sent out the message we had all been waiting for at 08:46 this morning: Two Yellow-throated Warblers along New Bridge Road in Belleplain State Forest - warbler song can be heard at last (with apologies to the Pine Warblers but you guys are always in early!). A little later, Karen Johnson came in with news of a Louisiana Waterthush singing near Tarkiln Pond on the Weatherby Road, north of Belleplain. Other news from the top end came from Heislerville where Black-bellied Plover, Least Sandpiper, Short-billed Dowitcher and Forster's Tern were all noted today. Karen Johnson rounded the day off with the first reported Whip-poor-will of the year at Jakes Landing this evening. Actually, news from down at the point was somewhat lacking today, though Chris Vogel had the first Common Tern of the year and both David LaPuma and I had four Wild Turkeys on New England Road.

*** Important news - Note that the 'free bridge' between Stone Harbor and Nummy's Island will be closed for two weeks as from today. Access to Nummy's Island will still be possible from the southern end via the toll bridge. ***

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