
Friday, May 6, 2011

Migration Is Evident Everywhere!

It seems that wherever you go in Cape May at the moment, migration is in full swing; parties of Glossy Ibises drifted across Route 47 as I drove up to Goshen yesterday and this morning at Sunset Beach saw many flocks of Dunlins, Short-billed Dowitchers and Black-bellied Plovers moving out of the bay. Other gossip came from the lips of visiting birders; a fabulous male Black-throated Blue Warbler in a hotel garden in the center of town; a Cattle Egret on a puddle along New England Road; Least Bittern and Virginia Rail calling in The Meadows. Birds everywhere! Today's highlights included two Mississippi Kites wandering the point mid-morning, the Glaucous Gull continues on South Cape May Beach and Higbee's Beach is starting to produce the goods on early morning walks again, with the likes of Baltimore Oriole, Rose-breasted Grosbeak, Black-throated Green Warbler and both Scarlet and Summer Tanagers seen today. If you're coming down, bring your bug spray - they're not unbearable, but they are around!

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