
Monday, June 13, 2011

Gallinule Continues, Plus Birds Offshore

The Purple Gallinule continues at Cape May Point State Park this morning, now in the marshy area just north of the second plover pond having probably roosted overnight in the bayberry hedge there.

A bit of early morning activity offshore at St Peter's and St Mary's included up to 20 Wilson's Storm-petrels, a Sooty Shearwater, two Royal Terns and all three species of scoter. The single White-winged Scoter that I saw was a very pale, washed out bird and I would guess is probably the same bird that has been at Poverty Beach recently. A female Common Goldeneye was something of a surprise off the point this morning too, while a Roseate Tern flying by indicates that the species is still worth looking for today.

One bird I forgot to mention from the Coastguard Unit on Saturday was a male Northern Harrier which was unexpected there in June - but that's birding!

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