
Saturday, July 30, 2011

The Crack Got Bigger Today!

That crack in the dike that I was talking about a couple of days ago just got noticeably bigger this morning! I managed to squeeze out a half-hour of birding this morning before work and there was certainly a great run of birds passing through. The local 'Big Boys' were all down at the state park racking up some nice finds this morning, with an impressive count of nine Sandwich Terns on the beach, a handful of Royal Terns passing by and up to two Gull-billed Terns on Bunker Pond. An American Avocet put in a brief appearance at both The Meadows and Bunker Pond before heading off north-west and a steady trickle of shorebirds continued for much of the early morning session and included at least two Pectoral Sandpipers amongst the more numerous Short-billed Dowitchers, Least and Semipalmated Sandpipers, Sanderlings and Semipalmated Plovers. Amongst the passerines, there was an impressive movement of Tree and Barn Swallows with a scattering of Bank and Northern Rough-winged Swallows too.

On Friday evening, Tony Leukering made some great counts at Bunker Pond, which included two Least Terns (they're already shipping out!) 78 Forster's Terns and an excellent 503 Common Terns. Single Pectoral and Stilt Sandpipers were among other shorebirds; water levels are ideal at the point right now for migrant shorebirds - so don't miss out on the show! STOP PRESS - Tony had 814 Common Terns today!!

Purple Martins are still feeding around Cape May Point, but Pete Dunne tells me that the build-up of birds on the Maurice River in Cumberland County is now well under way - don't miss out on this awesome spectacle, the Maurice River Township Purple Martin Spectacular takes place August 12th-13th:

Mauricetown Bridge, County Route 670, (just west of Route 47 Wawa) Dorchester, Maurice River Township
See thousands of Purple Martins each evening as they ready for migration! View this natural phenomenon from platforms next to the Mauricetown Bridge.
From 6:15-8:20 p.m., Citizens United representatives will provide viewing scopes and interpretation.
Bring your binoculars!

Friday & Saturday Evening Boat Cruises
Enjoy a Dessert Cruise aboard the "Bodacious". Slowly cruise the river at sunset with local naturalists and representatives from Citizens United to Protect The Maurice River.
Friday Night Special Guest - Pete Dunne of NJ Audubon

Reservations Are Required
(approx. 3 hour round trip) RAIN OR SHINE!
Contact Jane Morton Galetto 609-774-5853
Cruise departs Port Norris Marina 6:15 PM
- $35.00 per person

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