
Thursday, July 7, 2011

Gratuitous Cape May Babes!

Ok, so I keep posting pretty pictures of baby birds, knowing that no-one can resist them and you will all have to get down to Cape May as soon as you possibly can and come share it all with us. So this time I reckon that no matter how steely-hearted you are, you just won't be able to resist the pictures I took at the state park this morning - so here goes:

White-tailed Deer at Cape May Point State Park [Photos by Mike Crewe].

So did you wait until picture number 3 before you went aaahhhhhh!!! Or did it kick in straight away?!

Here's another bunch of babes to enjoy, the young Purple Martins are fledging now at the state park - the top one is getting a beakful of Needham's Skimmer, while at house #23, little Jimmy has just been fed but is already demanding more! [photo by Mike Crewe]

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