
Saturday, August 27, 2011

Hurricane Irene -- Saturday

At this point, Irene is onshore in North Carolina heading our way. Currently, the projection is that it passes offshore of us, which probably reduces the intensity of the storm onshore -- versus having the eye passing to our west.

Bob Fogg noted a 2nd-cycle Lesser Black-backed Gull on the beach at Del Haven, south of Norbury's Landing and medium-sized (read, Forster's and Common) and Black terns struggling up the bayshore. A 20-minute count at Sunset Beach just before 7 pm had 200+ Common Terns (and a smattering of Forster's and Royal terns) standing on the beach right next to the parking lot and with 100s more coming in from the south. Unfortunately for them, the tide was rising, as were the seas, and waves were forcing them off the beach. This up-Bay movement will probably continue and, with the passing of Irene tomorrow and a switch in wind direction, almost anywhere along the Delaware Bayshore could see good movements of terns heading back down bay. But, I reiterate Tom Reed's note -- if you attempt birding on the shore tomorrow, please use all caution and common sense!

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