
Friday, September 9, 2011

Darners: It's What's For Dinner

[Click on image(s) to see larger version(s). All photos copyright Tony Leukering 2011.]

Recent photo ops from the Hawkwatch Platform illustrating the gustatory uses to which many -- and surprisingly varied -- birds put those large dragonflies known as darners.

[Merlin is a well-known on-the-wing predator of dragonflies, with this view repeated uncountable times during the course of every Hawkwatch season. Picture from 7 September.]

[Gull-billed Tern -- this individual of which is getting toward late for the season -- is another well-known dragonfly predator, though this view has been, in my experience, very rare from the platform. Picture from 9 September.]

[This one surprised all of us on the platform, as Snowy Egret is NOT well-known as a predator of, at least, adult dragonflies. Picture from 9 September.]

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