
Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Spraying at The Meadows

The annual spraying to control Common Reed at The Nature Conservancy's South Cape May Meadows is scheduled to take place next week. The timing of the spraying is weather-dependent so it is not possible at this stage to give exact times when spraying will actually take place. If you intend birding this site next week, please follow any on-site signage you might see on arrival. Nature Conservancy staff are hoping to keep the reserve open as much as possible and will only close sections of the trails if and when spraying is in close proximity. Nature Conservancy staff should be available on site to help you with any questions while spraying is in progress. Note that spraying will not affect Pete Dunne's regular Monday morning walk at The Meadows and hopefully will not affect our Wednesday and Friday evening walks which are likely to take place after spraying has finished for the day.

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