
Sunday, October 30, 2011

Weekend photos

Great Cormorants, like this juvenile, sometimes hang out on the jetties in front of the Avalon Seawatch (7th Street in Avalon).

Friday was a stunning day at the Avalon Seawatch, with 62,000 scoters tallied (read Tom Reed's report here). Here, a large rush of scoters passes in front of the casinos of Atlantic City as seen from Avalon.

Blackpoll Warblers have been moving through in large numbers this October, and have lingered in force through the end of the month. Several were feeding on cedar berries today in Cape May Point State Park.

Two Golden Eagles, including this stunner with lots of white in the wings and tail, passed through Cape May today. One headed south over the ocean while the other one drifted off to the north.

Numbers of dabbling ducks are high around Cape May Point and the South Cape May Meadows (TNC Migratory Bird Refuge) right now. This Northern Pintail flew past while I was looking for rails and bitterns today.

[all photos copyright Tom Johnson]

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