
Saturday, January 7, 2012

Plugging A Gaping Hole!

Take a peak at any keen birder's list of species seen, and I am willing to bet that, on most of them, there will be a couple of gaping holes; a couple of extended runs of blank spaces just waiting to be plugged up with big fat ticks. Those gaps - I'm willing to bet a fair amount on - will fall shortly after the ducks and before the herony things and right in the middle, just before the pigeons. Here, of course, we will find those sneaky birds that prefer to be out there beyond the horizon, in far 'eastern' New Jersey, beyond the land-based eyes of mankind.

Help is at hand, however, and your next opportunity to boost your New Jersey, Cape May, or even your Life List could well be on February 4th. On that date, staunch CMBO supporter Paul Guris will be heading out on the Atlantic Star from Wildwood, with a full day offshore seeking out seabirds and other marine life. Similar trips in the past have produced excellent numbers of Dovekies and Razorbills (and it seems to be a good year for both species this winter off New Jersey) and possibilities for Northern Fulmar, Great Skua, Manx Shearwater, Common and Thick-billed Murres and a nice range of whales and dolphins.

I would strongly recommend this trip if you want a real shot at seeing some of these fabulous birds - but don't forget, there are no guarantees! On the other hand, if you don't go, you certainly won't see them!!

For fuller details and booking information, visit: the Paulagics website.

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