
Saturday, March 23, 2013

Western Tanager at the point

A female Western Tanager has been hanging out at a feeder on Sunset Boulevard for a few days now; we were waiting for the owners to be in residence before checking with them that it was OK to broadcast the news, as this is a busy road in a residential area. The bird is visitng a feeder in the back yard of the last house on the left (south) side of the road, just before you reach Lighthouse Avenue. Though the feeder is in the back yard, it is viewable from the street. The owners have a dog, so if you see a light metal fence across the driveway, do not enter the property as the dog is excercising in the yard. If there is no gate, you may walk in as far as the house to view the feeder closer. But please respect people's privacy here. With the long-staying Cape May Court House bird already on many people's year lists, I guess this won't be too big an issue.

Close by, the Louisiana Waterthrush was still at the Northwood Center all day Friday; note that the store will be closed this weekend for the annual Optics Sale which takes place at our Goshen Center on Rt47, but you may bird the property outside the building. (Don't forget to stop by the Goshen Center for the chance of a once-a-year optic bargain - all the lead companies have sales present!)

Female Western Tanager at Sunset Boulevard this week [photo by Mike Crewe].

The Louisiana Waterthrush continues to feed gymnastically on the small pond on the east side of the CMBO Northwood Center on East Lake Drive [photo by Mike Crewe].