
Wednesday, May 1, 2013

Continuing winter birds

As May dawns upon us it will very soon be time to be wallowing in kaleidoscope of color that comes with any spring migration season in Cape May. But for now, it seems that most of the local rare bird reports involve late winterers still hanging around our area. Purple Finches are currently rubbing shoulders with the first Rose-breasted Grosbeaks of the season at many feeders and one or two American Wigeons and Ring-ducked Ducks lurk on the ponds. Three Hooded Mergansers are still at Brigantine and at least two Fox Sparrows are still visiting feeders in Cape May county.

As far as arrivals are concerned, Heislerville continues to draw the crowds with a long-staying Wilson's Phalarope and up to two Glaucous Gulls - the latter joined by an Iceland Gull on 26th apparently. One or two Long-billed Dowitchers have been noted at both Brigantine and Heislerville as numbers of commoner shorebirds begin to build up now. Two Brown Pelicans were reported passing Cape May Point on 28th and a Gull-billed Tern was at Heislerville on 26th. Red-headed Woodpecker sightings continue to come from Cape May Point so do keep an eye out if you are visiting the Northwood Center.