
Wednesday, June 26, 2013

Starting the next million!!

I just took a week off work and everything all started happening at once - don't you just hate it when that happens?!!! The first and most important thing that happened is that, at some point during the last seven days, we passed the one million page views on our Cape May Bird Observatory Blog! Many, many thanks to all who have visited our blog and special thanks to those regular readers who have taken the time to email me to let us know how much you enjoy it. Our blog serves as a wonderful way for us to communicate to the world just how great the wildlife can be in Cape May County and for our past and present visitors to continue to feel connected with this great place - we hope you continue to enjoy it. While our View from the Cape blog tells you about the wonderful wildlife here, we hope you also find time to navigate to our other blog pages, where you will find details of our walks, workshops and other programs, news from our stores and a whole lot more. You can navigate directly to our main website too, from where you can find out so much more about both Cape May Bird Observatory and New Jersey Audubon..

From our first posts in July 2007, we've seen the blog slowly morph and change and I am sure that it will continue to do so; with staffing levels down, we are not able to bring you posts quite as often as we once did, but we shall continue to report the highlights - and remember that our eBird link and our twitter feeds will get you news of rarities much quicker than we can through our blog posts. We look forward to the coming fall migration with great excitement - indeed, Karl Lukens and I witnessed perhaps the first fall shorebirds passing through this very morning on our walk at the state park. Two Eastern Willets and a lone Least Sandpiper shot past us and headed out across the Delaware Bay. Another fall starts and the hawkwatch platform is being polished and prepared for your arrival!