
Friday, July 12, 2013

Semipalmated Sandpipers hit the news

On a day when the rain is thundering down outside and it looks as though I might have to swim home down Sunset Boulevard later, it seems a good time to make a quick scan of the local media websites and see what is in the news out there. One story that will hopefully be of key interest to our readers is a great interview with New Jersey Audubon's Vice President of research, David Mizrahi and focuses on current work being carried on the worrying downward trend in Semipalmated Sandpiper numbers. One thing is for sure, and that is that diligent research is the only way to get the true picture and, to this end, David's team have been working both here on the Semipalmated Sandpiper's migration route and way down in South America on the wintering grounds. The article makes for some very interesting reading so make yourself a cup of tea (or something stronger!) and have a look at the full article here:   Red Knot isn't only shorebird facing decline.

Weighing in at roughly one ounce and fitting quite comfortably on the palm of a hand, it is truly awesome to ponder on the migrations of a Semipalmated Sandpiper that will summer in the Arctic and winter in South America. Long-term banding studies in Cape May are providing vital information on these birds to help us understand their lives better, and to use that information to better ensure their survival on this crowded planet [photo by Mike Crewe].