
Tuesday, July 23, 2013

Summer at the shore

Regular visitor to Cape May for the great wildlife here is Lambert Orkis; Lambert sends me so many fine pictures of Cape May birds that I thought he deserved his own blog post, so here is his latest email to me...

"Visiting relatives a little north of here, I was inspired by your recent lovely blogs to pass through Cape May on the way, and this evening while walking The Meadows, I met Karl Lukens who was looking for the Black-necked Stilt  which I had just seen a little before and photographed.  Karl asked where it was and before I could answer, he just found it himself.  I wish I had his eyes!"

"Anyhow, we had a great chat and while talking, a lovely Black Skimmer flew by".

"And earlier, on the beach, it seems that the American Oystercatchers are getting ready for another try at having some youngins!!"

"Cape May has been great for us in the Fall, Spring, and also in the Winter.  Now, I'll add Summer to great times to go."

We can't agree more Lambert! Summer may well be a little slow compared with the heady days of spring and fall migration, but there really is never a dull day at Cape May. Come and take your camera for a walk and leave the crowds behind for a couple of hours!