
Sunday, February 8, 2015

Cumberland Eagle Festival

Yesterday saw the annual eagle festival take place in Cumberland County - and what a great day it was. If you were there, you don't need me to tell you what a fun day we all had; if you weren't there - you missed out!

A great range of talks took place throughout the day at the Mauricetown Fire Hall and vendors hosting stalls there had a busy day. Many members as well as non-members stopped by the CMBO stand to chat to our team and spend a few dollars - and special thanks to new members that signed up on the day, we value your contribution to our cause.

Out at the watch points, we had a fabulous day and, though the weather really could have been 10 degrees warmer for comfort, there always seemed to be great birds around to show people. Bald Eagles could be watched on nests at two of the locations, while the other three locations all had eagles more or less constantly in view. At Turkey Point, we tallied perhaps 12 different Bald Eagles during the course of the day and a minimum of 15 Northern Harriers, including a brief but still enjoyable 'Gray Ghost'. River Otters were seen at Newport Landing and a great array of ducks and other waterbirds all performed well.

Brian Johnson's walks through the woods were extremely well-attended and many people enjoyed up close and personal scope views of eagles, as well as other wildlife. It truly was a great day to be out and enjoying the best of South Jersey, and for those who stayed for the "Owl Prowl" we finished in great style with a fly-by American Bittern and perched Great Horned and Short-eared Owls, with the latter providing excellent flight views too, as it hunted across the marsh.

Thanks to all who helped to make this a very special day...

A perfect sunset ends the day for the owl watchers at Turkey Point [photo by Mike Crewe]

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