
Friday, May 8, 2015

Not the best of views - but....

In the nick of time. This male Painted Bunting showed up this morning on Bayshore Road - fingers crossed that he stays until tomorrow, when viewing him against the light really won't matter! [Photo by Mike Crewe]

When you are taking photos against the light, you have to do a lot of tweaking in photoshop to get a reasonable picture - and you don't exactly get the best of views. And that about sums up the World Series of Birding - you don't exactly get the best of views, but getting the best of views is not the name of the game. Tomorrow, Saturday, May 9th, the Nation's bravest, craziest and most obsessive birders (as well as some thoroughly decent folks!) will be hot-footing it around New Jersey and checking off birds on their lists. A pointless exercise? Certainly not! For these great people are raising money for conservation, and for wildlife education and research. For every bird species they can check off, they will receive pledges from people who may not be taking part physically, but are very much a part of the day, for they have contributed the money that will serve wildlife for the coming year.

It might be too late for you to be a team player in the World Series of Birding for 2015, but there's still time to make a donation and feel that you are doing your bit. I would encourage you to find the time to visit the World Series of Birding web page and help us all on our way. The natural world that is so important to us thanks you for your generosity.

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