
Tuesday, September 22, 2015

Seawatch starts today at a new location!

New Jersey Audubon's Cape May Bird Observatory began counting waterbirds at the Avalon Seawatch today at sunrise. This is the 22nd year of the count and the first with a proper seawatching structure! Thanks to Avalon mayor Martin Pagliughi and his team for building and installing a beautiful seawatching "hide" for our use in both counting the count, and bringing programming to the public. For those of you who have visited in the past, the new location is actually one block south of the old site, on the beach between 8th and 9th streets. You can park at the end of 8th (jetty entrance) or 9th and walk around the dune to the structure. Of course if you're not able to be here, you can watch migration in real-time via our Specteo page.  Fall is HERE! Come Birding!!

Click picture to enlarge

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