
Tuesday, November 24, 2015

To Be Thankful

If you put the word ‘thankful’ into an internet search engine you get any number of results. But this morning, my favorite was from the Merriam-Webster dictionary website: glad that something has happened or not happened, that something or someone exists, etc. Thankful that someone exists…what an incredible sentiment.

This year we have much to be thankful for. Here in Cape May, we are thankful that we get to live in one of the most beautiful places in the country. We are thankful for our birding community, the birders who travel to visit us each year, and of course, the birds! We are thankful we have the time and energy to be outside and exploring. We are thankful that we live in an age where we can communicate and support one another from the other side of the world. We are thankful for the moments we get to spend with our friends and families, and the memories we share with those who left us too soon.

Personally, I am thankful for the guidance from mentors who have helped me become a better naturalist, a better teacher, and a better person. I am thankful for a supportive collection of friends who have welcomed me into their hearts and homes. I am thankful that I get to do what I love and share it with like-minded people. But most of all, I am thankful for the beauty and goodness I find in the world everyday.  

From all of us here at Cape May Bird Observatory, we thank you for your support and friendship, and we wish you a very Happy Thanksgiving.

Sunday's sunset over Lake Lily in front of Cape May Bird Observatory's Northwood Center. It's picturesque moments like this that make us slow down and be thankful that we are able to do what we love. [Photo by Mike Crewe.] 

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