
Friday, June 30, 2017

HERE BE DRAGONS with Glen Davis - July 8

Dragonflies and Damselflies are a common part of our local wildlife, yet they can be confusing at first glance. With a mixture of indoor theory and outdoor practice, come and learn how to identify many of the 100 or so species that occur in Cape May County. We'll visit a variety of habitats around Cape May County that will allow us to see a good cross-section of species, from the tiny sprites to the mighty darners. Join Glen Davis on this in-depth School of Birding Workshop and learn to appreciate the incredible beauty and variety of the dragonflies all around us! Saturday, July 8: 9:00 AM - 5:00 PM. Cost: $90 members, $120 non-members.

Register now at CMBO School of Birding

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