
Saturday, September 16, 2017

THINGS THAT GO SEEP IN THE NIGHT with Michael O'Brien, Sept. 30 - Oct. 1

Experience the cutting edge of birding! Birds don't sing much in the fall - but they sure do call. Chip notes, flight notes, and critical listening are the primary subjects of this workshop, led by the man who wrote the book (well, maybe the CD-ROM) on flight calls. Two hours with Michael equals years of struggle on your own! Includes optional night-time listening for nocturnal migrants. Learn to dissect a single note, determining whether it rises or falls, is clear or burry. You will never listen the same way again. This workshop is spread over two half-days to allow us to be in the field at the best time of day; it includes an evening session to study nocturnal migrants, followed by an early morning listening session the next day - the perfect way to learn the subject! Hope you'll join us for this exciting School of Birding Workshop.

September 30: 2 - 4 pm, 10 pm - 12 am.
October 1: 5 - 6:30 am.

Cost: $90 members, $120 nonmembers

Reserve you spot today - CMBO School of Birding

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