
Friday, October 6, 2017

HAWKS IN FLIGHT with Pete Dunne - October 18 & 19

At fifteen raptor species, this is the time of peak raptor diversity in Cape May, with a chance at bonus birds like Golden Eagles and Swainson's Hawk!  It is a rare moment during late October in Cape May when something raptorial is not in view. Learn how to tell buteos from accipiters from falcons from eagles at the very edge of eyesight.  Pete Dunne co-wrote the book that is the title of this workshop, and the only thing he enjoys more than watching hawks is imparting the knowledge he has accumulated during his 15,000 hawk watching hours. Join us for this exciting School of Birding Workshop!

Wednesday, October 18 & Thursday, October 19
$150 members/$200 nonmembers

Reserve your spot - CMBO School of Birding

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