
Friday, April 6, 2018

Back-to-back Birding Bonanza!!!!! BIRDING WITH A PURPOSE with Tom Johnson & LEARNING TO HEAR BIRD SOUND with Scott Whittle

These two exciting workshops are new offerings by the Cape May School of Birding - sure to please and educate at the same time - and run in succession, so consider taking both and double your fun!!

with Tom Johnson

This NEW workshop will emphasize how to document unusual sightings, and underscore that birders usually carry something with them that can record sound.  Join Tom Johnson and go through the steps explaining how to use your smart phone (or sound recorder, if you have one) to make serviceable recordings and then add them to eBird checklists as documentation. An additional segment will focus on documentation photos and how to add them to eBird. This workshop will involve spending half your time in the field collecting photos and audio, and the other half in a classroom setting learning to edit and upload.  

Sunday, April 22
7:30 AM - 12:00 PM
$48 members, $64 nonmembers

with Scott Whittle

Spring is alive with birdsong, but how can we understand what they're saying?  Scott Whittle is the co-author of the Warbler Guide, Warbler Guide App, and the new BirdGenie song identification app, and will help you decode the sounds you hear and turn them into identifications.  He uses a unique structural, objective approach to listening, so instead of trying to listen for subtle quality differences or fuzzy descriptions, he'll be teaching the four basic questions you can ask about a song, and the simple things you can do to separate it from any other song.  Come listen with us and open up a whole new dimension to your understanding and enjoyment of the natural world.  

Monday, April 23 & Tuesday, April 24
8:00 AM - 4:30 PM
$150 members, $200 nonmembers

Register now for either/both programs at: Cape M:ay School of Birding

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