
Saturday, May 5, 2018

May Means Migration!!!

The warmer temps and southerly breezes have been blowing birds to Cape May - warblers, vireos, tanagers, orioles, bunting, sparrows, hawks, kites, shorebirds, herons, egrets, ibis, and more! This coming week presents an amazing opportunity to enjoy this spectacle, and learn from the best.

There are only a couple more days to sign up for the Warblers By Sight & Sound workshop, led by Scott Whittle - an immersion into this wonderfully diverse and colorful group of birds: May 14 & 15.

Or take it all in with Pete Dunne on the Shorebirds and Southern Breeders workshop and experience what Cape May County has to offer - from New Jersey Audubon's Birding Ambassador: May 16 & 17.

You can find more details and register at Cape May School of Birding - professionally led workshops in the Birding Capital of North America!

Join us for an amazing birding experience!

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