
Monday, September 10, 2018

Daily roundup – September 10, 2018

[Black Skimmers at Cape May Point this morning; 160+ exited Delaware Bay during the early AM as storm conditions waned. Photo © Erik Bruhnke.]

Weather: We finally started to say goodbye to the remnants of Tropical Storm Gordon, which gradually pulled away from the area through the day. A warm front also approached from the south. Skies were again largely overcast with light to moderate east winds and occasional showers; about 0.2” of rain was recorded at West Cape May as of 10:00pm. The weakening onshore flow allowed temps to sneak into the 70s during the afternoon.   

Migration counts: Morning Flight (0622-0837), Hawkwatch (0630-1700)  

[Red-necked Phalarope at the Higbee dike. Photo © Vince Elia.]

Birding summary: One last day of storm birding (for now), with highlights that included a Red-necked Phalarope and Buff-breasted Sandpiper atop the Higbee dike, single Roseate Terns at Cape May Point and 2nd Ave beach (Cape May City), 2 Hudsonian Godwits and 2+ American Golden-Plovers at Cape May Airport (with 1 of each flying past the Higbee dike), and 32 Parasitic Jaegers exiting Delaware Bay past Cape May Point during the AM. At present (10:30pm) there are some nocturnal migrants moving in the mist, including some thrushes and herons.

Additional information:
CMBO Twitter feed (@cmbobirds)

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