
Thursday, March 6, 2008


This is the Cape May Birding Hotline, a service of New Jersey Audubon Society's Cape May Bird Observatory. This week's message was prepared on Thursday, March 6, 2008. Highlights this week include sightings of BARNACLE GOOSE, EURASIAN WIGEON, REDHEAD, RED-NECKED GREBE, ROUGH-LEGGED HAWK, GOLDEN EAGLE, PIPING PLOVER, RED KNOT, LAUGHING GULL, LITTLE GULL, SHORT-EARED OWL, RED-HEADED WOODPECKER, EASTERN PHOEBE, TREE SWALLOW, PINE WARBLER, and COMMON REDPOLL.

The long-staying BARNACLE GOOSE on Cape Island was last reported from Lily Lake on 3/2.

A COMMON REDPOLL has been seen at a feeder in Del Haven through 3/5.

An adult LITTLE GULL was found at Norbury's Landing on 3/5.

Sightings from Brig/Forsythe NWR this week included at least 1 EURASIAN WIGEON in Perch Cove along the north dike through 3/2, as well as GOLDEN EAGLE and ROUGH-LEGGED HAWK on 2/29.

New arrivals this week include a PIPING PLOVER at Two Mile Beach on 3/5, a LAUGHING GULL at the Ferry Terminal in North Cape May on 3/3, a PINE WARBLER at Ponderlodge/Villas WMA on 3/2, and a TREE SWALLOW at East Point on 3/4.

3 REDHEADS, 2 RED-HEADED WOODPECKERS and an EASTERN PHOEBE were seen at Ponderlodge/Villas WMA on 3/1. RED KNOTS were reported from Two Mile Beach and North Wildwood on 3/2.

SHORT-EARED OWLS continue to be found at their usual haunts in coastal marshes, including 6 at Jake's Landing this week. A RED-NECKED GREBE was found here on 2/29.

See Life Paulagics still has space available on its pelagic trip out of Cape May on SUNDAY, MARCH 16 for winter seabirds. The boat is scheduled to leave at 6:00 AM and return around 6:00 PM. For more information, contact them at 215-234-6805 or go to their web site at

CMBO will be hosting its 13TH ANNUAL OPTICS SALE on Saturday, MARCH 15 and Sunday, MARCH 16 at the Center for Research & Education in Goshen. The sale runs from 9:00am to 5:00pm both days. You must be a member of CMBO or NJAS to purchase at the sale.

Both CMBO Centers will be CLOSED on SUNDAY, MARCH 23 for the Easter holiday.

CMBO is offering a special to new and upgraded membership renewals. Join CMBO for the first time or upgrade from Individual or Family to The Hundred and receive Charley Harper's Migration Mainline- Cape May lithograph poster, valued at $50. Call either CMBO center to ask an associate about joining today!

******CMBO Bookstore hours are as follows: Northwood Center on East Lake Drive in Cape May Point will be closed on Tuesdays until April 1. The center will be open Wednesday-Monday, 9:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. The Center for Research and Education on Rt. 47 in Goshen is open Tuesday - Sunday, 9:30- 4:30.******

The Cape May Birding Hotline is a service of the New Jersey Audubon Society's Cape May Bird Observatory and details sightings from Cape May, Cumberland, and Atlantic Counties. Updates are made weekly. Please report sightings of rare or unusual birds to CMBO at 609-884-2736. Sponsorship for this hotline comes from the support of CMBO members and business members, and should you not be a member, we cordially invite you to join. Individual membership is $39 per year; $49 for families. You can call either center to become a member or visit. Become a member in person and you'll receive a FREE gift (in addition to member discount in the stores).

Good Luck and Good Birding!

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