
Friday, April 4, 2008

What's New!

You may be noticing some changes taking place on Recently the menu order was modified and some of the titles were altered - all in an effort to make the site easy to navigate. If you have trouble finding what you are looking for, try using the search feature.

Tigrina Times magazine has a new layout so now you can read the current columns or catch up on past columns by your favorite author. We have also added an archives section to Photographer of the Month so that you can access the biographical information about each past guest photographer along with their galleries.

Just in time for spring we have added a How-to Guide: Spring in Cape May for young birders. This handy resource includes pointers on what to expect/how to prepare, species profiles, and an itinerary with a birding "hotspot" map.

David La Puma is reporting in on the weather & migration front so be sure to check his Birding Forecast posts before you head out!

We hope you continue to enjoy what you find here on Feel free to let us know what you think by sending an email to


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