
Thursday, May 15, 2008

A couple of quick sightings....Curlew Sandpiper (a different bird), WW Dove and others

Yesterday, Bob Fogg emailed to let me know that he had found a second year "Nelson's" Gull (Herring X Glaucous hybrid) at Reed's Beach. The bird was evidently on the far shore across the inlet. EDIT: In re-reading Tom's post from last night, it seems he had the Nelson's Gull along the bayshore as well. And, it seems that the bird did not really move much as both Tom and Bob describe the bird in the same general area.

There has been NO sighting of the White-winged Dover on Foster Ave. this morning. It evidently put on a show last evening according to Bev Linn but was not in evidence this morning. Laura and I waited around ten or so minuets hoping the bird would show. We did have a Chestnut-sided and Blackpoll Warbler and Rose-breasted Grosbeak while waiting. See photos below, provided by Karl Lukens, of the dove.

Lastly, Vince Elia just called from Heislerville, where he is conducting shorebird surveys, to let me know that he had found a a second Curlew Sandpiper. This bird is very drab and some work is required to pick it from the flocks in the pools. The good news is that the "red" Curlew Sandpiper is still hanging around according to Tom's post last night.

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