
Wednesday, May 14, 2008

White-winged Dove, Curlew Sandpiper, Mourning Warbler, "Nelson's Gull"

The White-winged Dove at 709 Foster Ave continued to be seen today, making periodic but regular visits to the back deck. Bev Linn continues to welcome visitors to her yard, and she placed two benches in the backyard today for a very nice view of the entire feeder area (just make sure you bring some insect repellent!).

The bright red Curlew Sandpiper of Heislerville was present again today in the NW corner of the main impoundment. The sheer number of shorebirds at Heislerville this afternoon was mind-boggling, and every inch of bare ground was covered by birds, namely Semipalmated Sandpipers, Dunlin and Short-billed Dowitchers.

A nice surprise was a Mourning Warbler singing quite regularly around the CMBO Northwood Center late this morning. There was a decent warbler flight last night, with good numbers of Parulas, Chestnut-sided's, Black-throated Greens and Black-throated Blues around Cape Island. A Hooded Warbler was singing across the street from the Beanery, and 2 Wilson's Warblers were singing at Higbee Beach.

A "Nelson's Gull", a hybrid between Glaucous Gull and Herring Gull, was present last evening in the mouth of Bidwell Creek, at the north end of Reed's Beach. I have very little experience with this hybrid, but I believe it was a 2nd-year bird. Look for a large, very pale gull, with darker wings. 4 Willets flew in at dusk at Cook's Beach last night- at least one of these birds was a "Western" Willet, an interesting record in mid-May, and I wonder if perhaps it was storm-related.

Gail Dwyer just phoned in to report that this evening's CMBO walk at Nummy Island turned up a Common Goldeneye and a Long-tailed Duck. I believe both of those birds were seen in the channel near the free bridge at the north end of the causeway. Where were these on Saturday?!

The Red-necked Phalaropes of yesterday were nowhere to be found today around Bunker Pond.

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