
Tuesday, May 13, 2008

White-winged Dove and Red-necked Phalaropes around Cape May

It appears as though yesterday's extremely strong Nor'easter brought with it some interesting birds to Cape May.

A White-winged Dove, which was apparently first seen on the bay side in Cape May Point, was relocated in the backyard of Beverly Linn, a CMBO volunteer. It continued to be seen at sporadic intervals as of 2:45pm. For now, I'll assume that this is just one individual, but it isn't out of the question that the two reports could be of separate birds. Birders are welcome to visit her house, which is #709 Foster Avenue, located off of New England Road on the south side of the canal. As always, be courteous and respectful to other members of the neighborhood, and do not trespass onto surrounding properties.

4 Red-necked Phalaropes (two males and two females) were found by CMBO volunteer Steve Rodan in the back of Bunker Pond at Cape May Point State Park this morning. Those birds were still being seen as of 2:00pm, but can be tough to find and are often behind vegetation. A scope is recommended.

All of the regularly occurring swallow species (Martin, Barn, Tree, Rough-winged, Bank and Cliff) were swirling about over Bunker Pond, and two young male Orchard Orioles were winging their way north along the dunes. Likewise, there were several groups of cormorants, ibis and egrets migrating over the Cape this morning.

Get out there and see what else this nasty storm might've blown in!

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