
Wednesday, July 9, 2008

CMBO Cape May Point State Park Walk- 6/9/08

 Karl and Judy Lukens, along with Tom Parsons seem to have had a good morning of summer birding at the Cape May Point State Park.  For more information on the CMBO walks this summer, check out the Naturalist Calendar

"CMBO Walk at the Point. During the walk through the State Park and along the
plover ponds we managed to see several flocks of shore birds on the move,
Least Sandpipers, both Yellowlegs, and Short-billed Dowitchers, along with
resident Oystercatchers, and Piping Plovers. The woodland birds of interest
were Indigo Bunting, White-eyed Vireo, Eastern Kingbird, and Orchard Oriole."

 Location:     Cape May Point SP
 Observation date:     7/9/08
 Number of species:     53

 Canada Goose     25
 Mute Swan     10
 Mallard     25
 Glossy Ibis     16
 Osprey     3
 Piping Plover     1
 Killdeer     1
 American Oystercatcher     4
 Greater Yellowlegs     3
 Lesser Yellowlegs     4
 Least Sandpiper     5
 Short-billed Dowitcher     20
 Laughing Gull     25
 Ring-billed Gull     2
 Herring Gull     10
 Great Black-backed Gull     30
 Least Tern     25
 Common Tern     5
 Forster's Tern     20
 Royal Tern     2
 Black Skimmer     8
 Rock Pigeon     5
 Mourning Dove     5
 Chimney Swift     3
 Ruby-throated Hummingbird     1
 Downy Woodpecker     1
 Eastern Kingbird     3
 White-eyed Vireo     1
 Blue Jay     2
 American Crow     1
 Fish Crow     1
 Purple Martin     50
 Barn Swallow     10
 Carolina Chickadee     5
 Carolina Wren     5
 House Wren     1
 American Robin     10
 Gray Catbird     3
 Northern Mockingbird     2
 European Starling     5
 Cedar Waxwing     4
 Common Yellowthroat     5
 Yellow-breasted Chat     1
 Song Sparrow     1
 Northern Cardinal     5
 Indigo Bunting     2
 Red-winged Blackbird     10
 Common Grackle     10
 Brown-headed Cowbird     5
 Orchard Oriole     2
  House Finch     3
  American Goldfinch     3
  House Sparrow     5

 This report was generated automatically by eBird v2

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