
Thursday, July 10, 2008

A couple of quick walks

After being away for a bit I needed a Cape May birding fix, so that past couple of mornings we walked the Cape May Point State Park and the Meadows.  Below are the lists from those quick jaunts.

Also of note, a Eurasian Collared-Dove still seems to be hanging around New England Road.  We received a report of one bird hanging out in the back yard of a New England Road resident for about 10 minutes on 7/9.  The dove apparently flew off to the south toward the woods.  Given that I have not received direct permission to post the address, the area you want to keep in mind is between the Bay Springs Alpaca Farm and the alternate Higbee parking lot.

Location:     South Cape May Meadows
Observation date:     7/9/08
Notes:     2455 steps = approx. 1.6 miles
Number of species:     41

Canada Goose     55
Mute Swan     20
Mallard     45
Great Egret     6
Glossy Ibis     9
Osprey     2
Piping Plover     3
Killdeer     1
American Oystercatcher     1
Lesser Yellowlegs     2
Short-billed Dowitcher     13
Laughing Gull     X
Ring-billed Gull     1
Herring Gull     15
Great Black-backed Gull     25
Least Tern     30
Common Tern     8
Forster's Tern     12
Royal Tern     8
Black Skimmer     12
Mourning Dove     1
Chimney Swift     2
Belted Kingfisher     1
Willow Flycatcher     1
American Crow     X
Purple Martin     5
Tree Swallow     3
Barn Swallow     10
American Robin     X
Gray Catbird     X
Northern Mockingbird     2
European Starling     X
Common Yellowthroat     6
Song Sparrow     1
Northern Cardinal     1
Indigo Bunting     1
Red-winged Blackbird     X
Common Grackle     X
Brown-headed Cowbird     X
American Goldfinch     5
House Sparrow     X

This report was generated automatically by eBird v2

Location:     Cape May Point SP
Observation date:     7/8/08
Notes:     3295 steps = approx. 2.15 miles
Number of species:     56

Canada Goose     35
Mute Swan     8
Gadwall     25
Mallard     45
Great Blue Heron     2
Great Egret     1
Glossy Ibis     16
Osprey     4
Cooper's Hawk     1
Piping Plover     4
Killdeer     1
peep sp.     4
Laughing Gull     X
Herring Gull     X
Lesser Black-backed Gull     5
Great Black-backed Gull     15
Least Tern     40
Common Tern     1
Forster's Tern     10
Sterna sp.     30
Royal Tern     1
Black Skimmer     2
Rock Pigeon     X
Mourning Dove     6
Chimney Swift     1
Ruby-throated Hummingbird     2
Eastern Kingbird     2
White-eyed Vireo     1
Blue Jay     1
American Crow     3
Fish Crow     2
Horned Lark     1
Purple Martin     45
Tree Swallow     5
Northern Rough-winged Swallow     2
Barn Swallow     2
Carolina Chickadee     3
Carolina Wren     8
House Wren     2
American Robin     X
Gray Catbird     3
Northern Mockingbird     1
European Starling     X
Cedar Waxwing     10
Pine Warbler     1
Common Yellowthroat     15
Yellow-breasted Chat     1
Song Sparrow     X
Northern Cardinal     1
Blue Grosbeak     2
Indigo Bunting     6
Red-winged Blackbird     X
Common Grackle     X
Brown-headed Cowbird     X
American Goldfinch     6
House Sparrow     X

This report was generated automatically by eBird v2

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