
Thursday, July 10, 2008

Living on the EDG!

Image courtesy of Nikon Inc. 

For those of you waiting on the next greatest birding glass to hit the market....wait no longer. I arrived at my office the other day only to find a box sitting at the foot of my chair. Immediately I jumped to the conclusion that it was a box which held some sort of optic. Given Leica is still trying to catch up on distributing the new Ultravid HD's, which the box might have contained, I held my breath and hoped for the best. Luckily I saw staring back at me the bold, golden letters; EDG.

Unfortunately there was only one 7x42 EDG in the box with word from Nikon that things will be pretty slow going to start. Possibly the old marketing ploy of, throw out a small supply, let the people see the quality of the product and this increases demand. Or, it could be that things are just plumb slow going that the factory. Let's face it, new products such as this do not come out every day. And sometimes it can just take a while for the ball to get completely rolling, if you will.

One thing to note is that these new EDG binoculars may be very hard to come by in the near future. In looking around at other on-line stores is any indication, CMBO/NJAS are possibly the first dealers to have this optic up for sale. So, if you really want to be the first in your birding group to make the others green with envy, you better act fast. We'll have this optic on-line at soon (or you can call the Northwood Center to order), but I imagine it would last long!

EDIT:  I forgot to mention that if you are looking for a review of this optic, check out the product reviews on the FeatherEdge Optics site.

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