
Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Belleplain: Kentucky, Summer T., More

Pine Swamp Road between Sunset Road and the first (right angle) bend was just dandy this morning, in a very quick run through around 8:00 a.m. From one spot, about 100 yards north of the bend on Pine Swamp Road, I heard Kentucky, Hooded, Yellow-throated, Worm-eating, and Pine Warblers, plus Acadian Flycatcher. However. . .I only actually saw one of these. Amazingly enough, it was the Kentucky, which flew its green and yellow self across the road and sang on the east side before retreating deep into the woods on the west side of the road again. I suppose if one spent an hour or two quietly birding this stretch, looks at most of these birds would be possible.

Three Summer Tanagers "picky-tucked" along Frank's Road, and all were easy to spot. The Acadian Flycatcher at the "four corners" was very cooperative, and one of the Summer Tanager's was not far south of this spot on Frank's Road. The "four corners" is where you turn west to head into the campground near Lake Nummy and where Frank's, Henkensifkin, and Kubiak Roads all meet (and maybe Dean's Branch Road, too, depending on who's map you're using). A Black-and-white Warbler is also territorial in this neighborhood.

The Northern Bobwhite at Beaver Swamp WMA was calling again this morning, and a Prothonotary sang along the road on the way in.

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