
Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Knots Increasing Along Bayshore

A mid-afternoon visit to Reed's Beach on a rising tide produced nice numbers of Red Knots and Ruddy Turnstones, with many visible close to the jetty at the north end of the beach. There were easily over 500 knots present, with actual numbers likely between 700-800. Turnstones were covering the end of the jetty, and likely numbered somewhere in the 800-900 ballpark.

The two Curlew Sandpipers were not readily viewed from the dry western edge of the Heislerville impoundment this evening, but I heard that at least one was viewed along the unpaved dike. Shorebird numbers there are still extremely impressive- Vince Elia estimated about 40,000 birds this evening during high tide. Also present were 300+ Black Skimmers.

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