
Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Fall has arrived

Tuesday 9/29/09

CMBO held a walk this morning at Higbee's Beach where the group was treated to a good number of mixed flocks of foraging birds. Several species of warblers were observed in tight groups working the sunny tree lines. Tennesse, Nashville, Bay-breasted, Black Poll, and few others were a nice treat. , Baltimore Orioles, Rose-breasted Grossbeaks, and Blue Grossbeaks were around in good numbers. 51 species were observed while on the walk with many good looks throughout the morning.

The hawkwatch was well attended today by those aware of the cold front that passed through and the winds turning around to the W then later WNW. Fairly strong winds kept birds down and provided great looks at Peregrine Falcons, Merlins, Kestrels and Bald Eagles. Towards the end of the day we had a terrific look at four Bald Eagles in perfect light and right above the platform. Two birds practically flew touching wings for a few seconds. Very cool. American Bittern, Common Nighthawks, and apparently a Virginia Rail on the park trials were also of note.

Pridictions for Wednesday are to be NW winds 10-15mph throughout the night with mostly sunny conditions during the day. Look for the the last push of the less common warblers and a good push of Palm and Yellow-rumped Warblers. At the Hawkwatch look for Cooper's Hawks, American Kestrels and Peregrine Falcons to be abundant. Broad-winged Hawks could still be seen in good numbers as the favorable winds drive them down to the point. This would be a great day to be in Cape May if you can swing it. I suspect a few people might be catching colds tonight:>)
[Bald Eagles by Josh Lawrey]

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