
Monday, September 28, 2009

Blustery Monday

9-29-09 Monday

The Monday morning walk that CMBO puts on had to be moved from the Meadows to the State Park due to temporary closure of the Meadow's trail area. With many in tow braving the strong winds, Pete Dunne led the group through the open areas of the State Park with good success. The walk included a variety of beach, marsh, and pond birds, with a good study of Great and Lesser Black-backed Gulls, and Foreter's, Common, and Royal Terns. A Parasitic Jaeger was seen by some working the Tern flock in the rips just out from St. Mary’s. Leaders were.(Pete, Karl, Chuck, Mary Jane, David, Carrie, Judy, Tom)

Hawkwatch notes:
Those that managed not to get blown off the platform enjoyed terrific views of Peregrine falcons ripping across the tree line and Merlins taking full advantage of some serious speed when barraging the starlings in the cedars.
We are all eagerly looking at the forecast for the next three to four days. If there is a way to get here, you should already be on your way!

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