
Sunday, September 27, 2009

Sunday Hawkwatch and Seawatch Excitemt

Sunday 9-27-09

Strong winds from the South kept movement down but Cape May never lets people down when it come to seeing raptors in action. One of our asteemed Interpretive Naturalist (Melissa) was pointing out the small variety of sparrows to a couple people that were hoping to get a look at the Clay-colored Sparrow and Lark Sparrow. When out of no where, a young Peregrine falcon stooped in and took a swipe at them. The platforms irrupted with oohs and awws at the display. Minus the people looking at the sparrows because they were all scattered to the wind

Seawatch News!

A fairly powerful storm pushed off the coast in the am and moderate SE winds kicked up the surf and pushed hard agains migrants. Small flocks of Scoters, Northern Gannets, Common Loons and Double-crested Cormerants did force their way through. The real excitement came in the latter part of the day with the Seawatch crew finding a Cory's and Greater Shearwater with the latter being a first for the Seawatch. The birds hung around for a few hours and provided visitors with some good looks. At one point a Greated Black Backed Gull and A Laughing gull chased the Cory's Shearwater not far off the watch. Photos have not come in yet. Very exciting!

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