
Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Images from Around Cape May

[Marbled Godwit flying over the free bridge south of Nummy Island last Sunday. As many as 14 have been reported there this week. Photo by Don Freiday; click to enlarge all photos.]

Ten days in mid-September filled my Nikon's 2G memory card. Aptly named - some great memories. I hear yesterday was a pretty slow day in Cape May - not to fear, Friday is looking interesting, maybe Saturday too.

[Piping Plover at Stone Harbor Point, showing one reason this bird is so critically endangered. . .]

[Our two small banded plovers, Piping on the left and Semipalmated on the right, Stone Harbor Point at sunset.]

[American Oystercatcher flyby - note the wing molt proceeding from the inside out.]

[One of the record setting 46 Bald Eagles Monday September 14, this one a juvenile in "field conditions." ]

[More field conditions, this time a Cooper's Hawk.]

[This very juvenile Caspian Tern had to keep a careful eye on the sky over the parking lot at Cape May Point State Park on the 14th.]

[Standing room only on the platform, Saturday September 19.]

[American Kestrels at the Cape May lighthouse before sunrise September 14.]

[Field conditions, Morning Fight style, Higbee Beach. Can you identify this bird?]

[Blue-gray Gnatcatcher - short round wings, long thin tail with white outer tail feathers. Gnatcatcher migration is already past peak.]

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