
Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Clay-colored, Great Corm, Other News

[Karl Lukens photographed this Merlin during CMBO's Higbee walk this morning, which otherwise was pretty light in birds - but a Merlin adds considerable weight!]

Michael O'Brien found a Clay-colored Sparrow at the far dune crossover at Cape May Point State Park today, and a Great Cormorant was at Coral Avenue in Cape May Point.

The seawatch crew started today at Avalon, with. . . well, a light flight, but there were Black and Surf Scoters, indications of things to come. Gail Dwyer came by with the traditional opening day pizza, nice!

[Flyby female Belted Kingfisher at Cape May Point, by Tony Leukering. Kingfishers are migrating now; Josh Lawrey, Steve Kolbe and I saw 10 + around Heislerville, Cumberland County today. This species is a very scarce breeder in Cape May County. Josh will be at the Thompson's Beach platform on Saturday for an event 10-4 Saturday, stop by and see him and Bald Eagles, Clapper Rails, and others too! ]

Another bird that's moving now is Sora, and besides the reports of late south of the Cape May Canal, Karen Johnson just reported that a canoe trip led by her husband Brian in Cumberland County had at least 10!

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