
Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Marbled Godwit Flyby, Arriving Waterfowl

I just got a text from Michael O'Brien (7:36 a.m.) that a Marbled Godwit flew by the dike just now.

Dave Lord has been working on the pontoon boat The Osprey, and reports that a summering Atlantic Brant in Cape May's back bays was joined by three others yesterday. I don't think I've mentioned this, but a tiny number of Snow Geese and Red-throated Loons were seen from the hawk watch last week, I'm not sure which days. Just in time for the Avalon Seawatch, which begins today, with Nick Metheny at the helm as the primary counter and Doug Gochfeld as Swing Counter. Steve Kolbe will be there as Interpretive Naturalist on Fridays, Saturdays and Sundays from now until the end of October. The sea watch runs until December 22.

NWS says the next cold front will cross the region Thursday night/Friday morning. The winds are forecast (again - sigh) to go rapidly to northeast after it passes, i.e. by Friday night. We'll see.

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