
Thursday, September 24, 2009

[Osprey hunting bunker pond by Josh Lawrey]
Terrific evening Osprey and Kestrel activity. At one point there were five osprey simultaniously hunting Bunker Pond at the state park. The perfect light and fairly close looks added to the delight of the spectators and photographers putting in a little extra time at the point. Perhaps they are sensing the insuing front and stocking up on some food for when the winds turn in their favor. Kestrels moved well trhoughout the day and visitors were often treated with terrific looks at Cooper's and Sharp-shinned hawks together for comparison. Probably the treat of the day was the adult Peregrine Falcon sitting on the Cape May lite house for nearly three hours perhaps deciding what the next move should be in the stratagic game of migration. Tonight we are anticipating a good movement of songbirds and hopefully the woods will be filled again with hidden treasures.

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