
Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Ash-throated Flycatcher, Seaside Sparrow, Bond Issue Passed

First the good news - NJ passed the $400 million bond issue for open space. Thanks all! New Jersey Audubon (of which CMBO is a part) was part of a large coalition of organizations supporting this initiative.

Now to the birds. An Ash-throated Flycatcher is apparently near the southern base of the toll bridge at the south end of Nummy Island, on the west side of the road. I'm not sure yet who found this bird.

Vince Elia detected a Seaside Sparrow in the South Cape May Meadows, an unusual location for this salt marsh species. It was on the center, or west path, 25 yards before you get to the little bridge, on the left.

Chuck and MJ Slugg sent the following report about yesterday morning's Two Mile Beach walk:
"A variety of species continue at Two Mile Beach. Ducks from the new platform include both Red-breasted and Hooded Mergansers, Bufflehead, Pintail, and Black Ducks. The "Two-Mile" Peregrine was perched on the tower looking north. Black-crowned Night-herons and Bald Eagles were among the species found on the Two Mile Landing side of Ocean Drive."

An owl vigil by a bunch of us at the South Cape May Meadows last night yielded "just" a probable Great-horned Owl, plus several Wilson's Snipe and an American Woodcock.

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